5 Considerations
In recent memory, if ever, we have never witnessed , a real estate market, similar to, the one, we are currently, seeing! After, over 15 years, as a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, in the State of New York, I strongly, believe, the housing market, will, probably, always, be cyclical, and, at some point, this, too, will change! While, there are several factors/ reasons/ considerations, regarding, why we are experiencing, this performance, etc, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, and review, and discuss, 5 specific possibilities, and why/ how, they have created, these circumstances, etc. 1. Pent - up, post - pandemic feelings and needs: The pandemic , this nation, and the world, has been experiencing, for approximately, a year - and - a half, and the emotional impacts, of the public health restrictions/ limitations, on many aspects of our lives, has, probably, created, a large degree of pent - up, post - pandemic, feelings and needs! After feeling locked - up...